Fact Checking Policy

The readers who are following ERPMMMUT, on our website, will get accurate and reliable information here. The integrity and credibility of the information are ensured on the ERPMMMUT website. The fact-checking policy of ERPMMMUT adheres to the standards of journalism and the editorial team of ERPMMMUT will resolve any inaccuracy if present in the content on top priority. 

1. Verification Process

Before publishing the content on the ERPMMMUT platform, the editorial team will verify the content, there is a hierarchy in the team and a single article will go through several professionals’ hands before publication on the ERPMMMUT website. Until there is authorization from the top member of the editorial team, no content is going to go live. The readers can trust the ERPMMMUT platform for the accuracy and reliability of the information. All of the information is prepared from official sources like the official govt website, recruitment pages of the organizations, etc. 

2. Primary Sources

While preparing the article, the editorial team refers to the main source of information which is the official statements, the official notification, interviews, govt websites. Sometimes, the official source of news is not available to us, in that case, we mention it at the end or at the beginning of the article to verify the details of the article from the official sources before implementing the information of ERPMMMUT into your life. 

3. Corrections and Updates

There is a case where if any of the information present in the published content of the ERPMMMUT is incorrect, the editorial team takes that on priority and corrects that information immediately as soon as the intimation is received about the wrong information. The editorial team also specifies the place where the error was and what the correction made in the article to the readers. 

4. Transparency

The working model of ERPMMMUT is transparent. The reader has the right to ask us about the sources of information from where we have prepared the articles. The ERPMMMUT editorial team respects users and welcomes their requests regarding the transparency of the information. The editorial team will solve the user queries with top priority. 

5. Non-partisanship

The ERPMMMUT has an unbiased fact-checking policy. On ERPMMMUT, you will get journalistic integrity. The team of ERPMMMUT ensures the delivery of unbiased information to the readers. 

6. Fact-Checking Requests

The ERPMMMUT organization entertains the requests of the users on the topic of fact-checking. The user who encounters inaccurate content on the ERPMMMUT website can inform the team of ERPMMMUT about the inaccuracy. We advised you to attach the proof of inaccuracy with the request and the ERPMMMUT team will be happy to resolve your queries. 

7. Editorial Independence

The editors on the ERPMMMUT platform are working independently. There is no pressure on the editors to deliver the content to the public, there is no external pressure. The ERPMMMUT editorial team is not influenced by the sponsors or advertisers. 

8. Continuous Improvement

The ERPMMMUT wants to become the most preferred source of information. We ensure to keep up to date our editorial team by regular training. The fact-checking policy of ERPMMMUT will be updated from time to time to meet the standards. 

The focus of ERPMMMUT is to deliver updates on new job vacancies, exam date updates, admit card dates, result news, etc. The fact-checking policy is the reflection of ERPMMMUT’s work. We work daily to deliver you accurate and updated information.