Arcane is an animated series set in the League of Legends universe, featuring Vi and Jinx in a story about the conflict between Piltover and Zaun.
Rilakkuma and Kaoru is a heartwarming series about Kaoru and her plush bear friends, focusing on friendship and simple joys with a gentle, charming style
Seis Manos series blends action, supernatural elements, and a deep exploration of vengeance and redemption
Love, Death & Robots is an anthology series featuring standalone episodes that explore diverse genres through futuristic, fantastical, and often darkly imaginative stories
Klaus tells the story of a bitter postman who befriends a reclusive toy maker, leading to the creation of the Santa Claus legend
The Midnight Gospel follows a spacecaster who embarks on a cosmic journey through fantastical worlds while engaging in deep, philosophical conversations about life, death, and existence
Maya and the Three centers on a brave princess named Maya who embarks on a quest to unite three ancient kingdoms and prevent an impending apocalypse